It is widely accepted as truth today that all religions are holy paths to the same god, and we shouldn't pick on each
concerning religious practices and beliefs. We are all righteous and good
people, going down our own flowery path to the same almighty.
With all due respect to the perfectly lovely people who hold this common view, it is absolutely untrue. Each religion of the world has its own separate god or group of gods.
The adherents of these religions, in the different parts of the world, practice their varying ceremonies in an effort
to appease the anger of these gods. The idea of a kind, good, benevolent God
is unknown. Getting to know a good God, or find ultimate peace as a result of
knowing Him, is not even an issue.
We have studied the reasons why the Bible--the Old Testament Preserved accurately for thousands of years by the Jewish
nation, and the New Testament, preserved accurately since the first century
of the Christian era, is the divinely inspired, Holy Spirit breathed writings, given to the human race from the mind of God.
The Bible makes claims for itself that no other book claims. The Bible
teaches things that no other book teaches.
Obeying the Bible does things for people that they can't get by obeying any other book.
So we are going to take some time to see what is in the Bible. What is
it about this Book that has caused such a worldwide uproar for century after century?
Nations have gone to war over this book. Tyrants have gone mad over this
book. Emperor Diocletian ordered every copy of the New Testament in the Roman
Empire to be confiscated and burned. All through the middle ages, men who held
high positions of authority and pretended to be Christians, waged constant war against the ordinary, everyday people, who
held the Bible as their most precious possession. We have studied how, over hundreds
of years, they burned the Bible and the people who owned it, together.
Today, go to
any country in the Far east, China, India, Pakistan----Stay out of my life,, simple, every-day people, men and women, are
being repeatedly harrassed, beaten, imprisoned for long terms, for owning a Bible and preaching what it says.
This worldwide mad hatred for the Bible has spread
to this country. This country was founded by Christian people, dedicated by the
Pilgrims to be a free Christian nation. Our law system is based on the
Word of God. The public school system was invented for the purpose of producing
an educated citizenry, who could live righteous, successful lives by being able
to read the Bible. Somehow this present generation has forgotten that fact, and
has turned against the Bible with the same madness we see in these other countries.
They cloak their madness in fancy double-talk about "separation of church and State."
But it is madness, anyway.
There is something in this Book that the forces of Hell don't want you
to know about. So we are going to look into this Book and find out what it is
the devil objects to.
We begin with the most important thing taught in the Bible. This doctrine
begins in Genesis, proceeds through the calling of Abraham, the bondage and deliverance from Egypt, through the founding and
continuing history of the nation of Israel,
explodes in majesty at the Cross of Christ, and carries the church through the ages to the Judgement seat of Christ
in the last chapter of Revelation.
This doctrine is the rock bottom absolutely necessary
foundation, upon which rests the entire universal warfare of right Versus Wrong. If
this doctrine did not exist, the Bible would be a collection of good inspiring stories, with no power behind them.
The fight for right over wrong, good over evil, would
never have been won by God for His human creation, if this doctrine did not exist.
The rock bottom reason for the very existance of the
Bible is for God to have the message delivered to mankind, that salvation and deliverance is available to every member of
the human race who will repent and receive.
I speak of the doctrine called the Blood Atonement.
We begin at the very beginning, in Genesis 3:21. Unto Adam, also and to his wife, did the Lord God make coats of skins, and clothed
The Bible does not go into detail about how the Lord
went about this. The process is not important.
The action is. Adam and Eve needed a covering. They had been naked all the time up till now and they hadn't
paid any notice at all.
But something happened inside Adam's conscience when he disobeyed. His body was still the beautiful and respectable creation that God had made. But now Adam was looking at it with different eyes, and he felt embarrassed and ashamed.
At this time, also, God declared to the serpent, verse 3:16, I will put
enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, and he shall crush your head, and you shall bruise his
Now, what does that mean? Kind of mysterious language. Very simply, God said to the devil, "the seed of the woman"---this means a child born without the seed
of a human father---and that was Jesus---he was going to engage the serpent in a fight.
Enmity means bad feelings, hatred, the inability to get along. There was
going to be this enmity between the serpent, who was full of the devil, and the child born without the seed of a human father. And there was going to be a fight. And
in this fight, the devil was going to get in one strike. But he was going to
lose the fight, and wind up with a crushed head. At Calvary, the serpent
got in his bruise to Jesus' heel---He took the beatings and He took the nails, and He died.
That was the bruised heel.
But Jesus won. He took the devil's head and He smashed it.
The fig leaves were not enough.
God killed two animals and made the coat coverings, and the two innocent animals shed their blood. We do not know the process God used to make the coats.
But we do know that it was His work, and not Adam's.
Fast forward.
Cain and Able are grown. Just in passing, check Genesis 5.4. The days of Adam after he had begotten Seth were 800 years. And
he begat sons and daughters. In that time of the beginning of things, people
lived extremely long lives. It was after the great flood that that the Bible
records a sharp drop in longevity, more resembling what we know today as average lifespans.
But we note that here to emphasize that Adam and Eve had plenty of children, and among them were Cain's wife and all
the "everybody's" of Genesis 4:14 that Cain complained to God would try to kill him.
We only note this in passing. Cain, Able, and Seth are named, because
they are important to the story. All the rest are extras and don't get name credits. But they were there.
In Genesis 4:2-7, Able was a keeper of sheep, and Cain
was a tiller of the ground. A farmer. A
very important and needed job.
It came time to give an offering to God. Why? Why did God need an offering, anyway? Why did He want one? What was the offering supposed to do? Well, that's another whole sermon. But
put simply, the offering represented the coming victory. The serpent and
the seed of the woman would engage in a fight, and the seed of the woman would crush the serpent's head, and deliver men from the curse brought on by the disobedience.
Cain brought the fruit of the ground. The crops he had grown, which were undoubtedly very good. His
vegetables and fruits were the brightest and the ripest in the area. They were
perfectly respectable. But God did not accept them as a sacrifice.
Able brought a lamb and killed it, and poured the blood
on a rock. God was pleased, and accepted the sacrifice.
This is what made Cain angry enough to kill. v 7, God asked Cain why he was so angry. He told him if he
did well, he would be accepted, too.
So what went on here?
Cain's offering said, me, my, mine. I'm good enough in my own strength and my own works. I don't
need any blood for my sacrifice.
Able's offering said, I am trusting in the man to be
born without the seed of an earthly father. The promised Redeemer.
The blood of this lamb represents the death that is the punishment for sin. Able's
sacrifice declared to God, I know there must be a death to cover my sin.
We fast forward again in the historic narration. We come upon Abram as he hears the call of the Lord.
Genesis 12--the Lord said to Abram, get out of your
country, from your family, from your father's house, to a land that I will show you---I will make of you a great nation--I
will bless them that bless you, I will curse them that curse you. And in you,
all the nations of the earth shall be blessed.
What was God talking about here? What was it about Abram that was going to reach out and bless all the families of the earth?
It was Abram's major decendant, the one born without
the seed of a human father.
Verse 7, Abram came to the land of Bethel, and there
he builded an altar unto the Lord, and called upon the Name of the Lord.
Why did Abram build an altar? At that time, it was just a simple rock,
like Able had used. But an altar was used for only one purpose. To pour out the blood of a slain animal. And Abram returned
to that altar several times in his life.
Chapter 15. Several
years later, Abram again heard the voice of God. "Fear not, Abram, I am your
shield, and your exceeding great reward." And the Lord said to Abram, now look
toward heaven, and tell the stars if you be able to number them. So shall your seed be---and I give you this land to inherit it. And
Abram believed the Lord, and his belief was counted unto Abram for righteousness.
And Abram, the believing, righteous man, asked God,
what shall I do, that I shall know that I shall inherit it?
Now, here is the picture. The righteous God is entering into an agreement. A solemn
Covenant, a binding contract. God promises this land to Abram, and as many children
as there are stars in the sky.
Abram asks, how is that contract going to be signed?
God says, take me a heifer, a she goat, a ram, a turtledove,
all three years old, and a young pigeon. And then Abram took the animals and
killed them. Why did he kill them? To
spill their blood. Why did he spill their blood? Because the death of the innocent
animal, with the spilling of blood, was the signature on the contract.
We begin to see a picture forming. We will see that picture take full shape.
That night, as Abram slept, he had a nightmare. A horror of great darkness fell upon him. And
God said to Abram, know of a surety that your seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve slave
masters who shall afflict them 400 years---afterward, they shall come out with great substance.
And Abram's decendants did live in bondage for 400
years, and they did come out with great substance.
And God chose Moses to lead them out. And after they were out, Moses went up on the mountain to talk to God.
Moses had been educated in Egypt. He knew all about the hundreds of gods
the Egyptians served.
But then he met the true God at the burning bush, and
God told him, about the blood sacrifice. First, He said, go down to pharoah,
and tell him, let My people go.
Then came the resistance, the denial, the plagues, and then the death of the firstborn.
Now, you
who might want to argue with God about the killing of the firstborn in Egypt.
Remember just a couple of generations back, Pharoah had ordered the slaughter of all the male babies. God remembered that, and made a note that one day, the Egyptians were going to pay for it. When the slaughter was ordered by Pharoah, it was innocent
little boy babies. On the night the death angel came through Egypt, it was the
firstborn of the house, which included those of all ages.
Now, God speaks again to Moses. Jehovah declares He has established a covenant with the children of Abraham, and He will remember it. He signed it, and He will fulfull it.
Exodus 11:4-7
Moses announced to the people what Jehovah was going to do to the firstborn of Egypt.
But He comforts them. Against the children of Israel shall not a dog move
his toungue.
This night there shall come a plague through the land. The firstborn of Egypt shall die. The
Children of Israel shall be safe. How?
Jehovah said to Moses, let every household take a lamb. It has to be a male lamb, one year old. It
has to be perfect. Keep it tethered for four days. Then kill it in the evening, roast the flesh, and eat it, with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
But do something different with the blood. Put it in a bowl, and take it to the front door of your house, and take a cloth, or a sponge, and paint
the blood on your doorway. The two side posts and the lintel across the top.
And Jehovah said, v. 13, 14, the blood shall be for you a token upon the
houses where you are. And when I see the blood, I will passover you---and the
plagues shall not be upon you to destroy you when I smite the land thereof. Then, Jehovah adds, keep this day as a memorial feast throughout all your generations
forever. This special day of deliverance from bondage and slavery--Jehovah declared
that it should be remembered in the ages to come with a permanent holiday.
When the Lord came down to Egypt on that terrible night,
there was sudden sickness, unexplained fever, rampaging infection. In every household,
one person got suddenly sick, and was dead a few hours later.
But those with the blood of the lamb painted on the
door post were untouched, and safe.
The picture is getting clearer.
The day of deliverance comes, and Moses and the people
are safe on the other side of the Red Sea. Then in Exodus 24, God calls Moses
to the mountain for another talk. This time, He tells Moses, I want you to collect
some items from the people---make sure that whoever gives, gives from a willing heart.
I want some gold, silver, brass, blue, purple, scarlet cloth, ram skins dyed red, onyx stones, oil for light, spices
for anointing and sweet savor.
And God gave Moses a diagram, and said, "let them make
Me a tabernacle, that I may dwell among them."
What a surprising development! Almighty God has finally got His own people started on the track to nationhood. And He says, build me a little tent, so I can live among you. Now,
even if it was gold plated, a tent would hardly be the place you'd think Almighty God could live. But this tent also is a foreshadowing of the body of Jesus.
The man born without the seed of a human father. His body was a tent,
a human tent, for Almighty God to wear while He came to live among us.
The Lord gives specific instructions. He wants certain people set aside for a priestly office. He
wants them to dress a certain way, and do a special thing. The special thing He wants done is the continual killing of animals.
Especially lambs. Once a year, there is to be a very special lamb offering.
The ceremonial aspects of this service are long and
complicated. But they all contain the one essential element. The clean blood of a clean animal. The animal must die, and
its blood must be poured out.
For hundreds of
years, this ceremony was performed thousands of times. And then, in 70
AD, the Roman general destroyed the temple. This temple was the only place the
sacrifice could be offered. So, suddenly, after all those centuries, those animal
sacrifices came to a sudden halt.
What happened?
We skip forward to the Book of Hebrews, chapter ten. I'm going to paraphrase
the text a little.
The law, the law of these blood sacrifices over the
centuries had a shadow of good things to come, but not the very image of the things.
Coming back every year to these sacrifices, year by year, could never make a person perfect.
The sacrifices remembered sins, and looked forward
to the time when there would be perfection, but it is not possible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sin. And God did not have pleasure in these endless sacrifices, that never got the job completely done.
The author of Hebrews explains how Jesus Christ was
annointed our high priest. v 4:15. We
have not a high priest that cannot be touched with the feelings of our infirmities; but was in all points tempted as we are,
yet without sin---that is very important--he lived the life of a human, with all our sorrows and pain, and he knows what we
go through, but He never gave in to temptation.
He never sinned. That was why He was perfect enough to be the perfect
Through all those hundreds of years of daily sacrifice,
those hundreds of thousands of lambs were required to be perfect. They represented
the perfection of Jesus Christ, the Perfect Redeemer.
Just as those Levitical priests daily offered up the
temporary sacrifices to signify and represent the washing of the soul from sin, Jesus,
our perfect high priest, offered up the permanent sacrifice, to actually permanently wash away our sins. Instead of offering a lamb, as our high priest, Jesus offered Himself,
and allowed Himself to be killed, and allowed His own perfect blood to be poured out.
v 9:28 So Christ was offered once, to bear the sin of many.
v 12. This
man, Jesus, offered one sacrifice for sins forever. verse 14 . By one offering He has perfected forever them that are sanctified.
Verse 10 We are sanctified by the body of Jesus once for all. And here I don't paraphrase, I quote the text exactly.
Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins forever. He has perfected forever
them that are sanctified. We are sanctified by the body of Jesus once for all.
And God says of the people who trust in this once for
all, perfect blood atonement sacrifice, This is the Covenant I will make with
them, saith the Lord. I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds
I will write them. And their sins and iniquities I will remember no more.
After Jesus had offered this one sacrifice for sin
forever, He sat down on the right hand of God. The work was done. God had said, the soul that sins shall die. He didn't
want us to die. So He did it for us.
Verses five and seven are a prophesy--Jesus speaks to the Father--a body You have prepared for Me---and this is the
body that is conceived without the seed of a human father---and Jesus says to the Father--Lo, I come to do They will, O God,
in the volume of the book it is written of Me.
When Christ said, I come to do Thy will, oh God, He took away the first agreement, and established a second. The first agreement was, let the blood of the animals be offered every day, every year. The second agreement is, Jesus will die, once for all, and the animals will not be needed any more.
Christ did the dying for each of us. Even though it was only one death, it was the death of the Redeemer--and it is counted before Almighty
God to apply to every single member of the human race who wants to be free from the power of sin.
So the Lord allowed a war to come. And the General of the Roman army attacked
the temple. That ancient, historic, beatiful temple. It was destroyed. And Jesus had said it would be.
To the Jewish nation, this was the destruction of the tabernacle, and without the tabernacle, they could not carry
on the sacrifice. The Lord let it happen because He didn't need them anymore. The final, complete atonement had been made.
A strange and beautiful thing happened in the temple the day Christ was crucified.
There was a storm and an earthquake. Inside the temple, there was a room
called the Holy of Holies. The Spirit of the Lord dwelt in this Holy of Holies,
behind a huge, ornate, heavy curtain. This curtain separated the people from
the presence of God. No one was ever allowed to touch that curtain. At the moment Christ died, this huge, heavy, wall sized curtain
no one was allowed to touch, ripped. It ripped into two pieces. It ripped all the way from the top to the bottom.
Whether God the Father ripped it Himself, or dispached angels on special assignment, the ripping of that curtain was God the Father throwing
the door wide open, and saying to the people, now, you can come in to see Me
any time!
Hebrews 4:16, Let us come boldly into the throne of Grace, where we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time
of need.
This is the most glorious news.
But it comes with a warning.
Start at Hebrews 10:26. If we sin wilfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remains no more sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful
looking for of judgement and fiery indignation.
Why? After Almighty God has poured out His divine love for the human race,
by giving His only begotten Son to be the perfect cleansing for our sins, what would make God come after a person with fiery
Pay attention to the text. The writer speaks about a person who knows
better. He has been told the truth
about the Lord's requirements. But like Cain, he wants to do it himself. He wants to hang on to his sins, and then appease God with another sacrifice. Like Cain offered his vegetables. A person
might want to rely on the money he gives to charity to buy his way into heaven. He
may want to offer his own good deeds in life. He may trust in the performing
of acts of self deprivation. During the big hullabaloo about the movie DaVinci
Code, and the biography of the founder of Opus Dei, we learned that some people still, educated people! in the 21st century! carry on the ancient pagan practice of flaggelation--that is, whipping themselves,
hoping their own pain will be accepted as an atoneing sacrifice for sin.
But the writer of Hebrews gives the word of the Lord. There is no more
sacrifice for sin. The one, the only, the perfect, the complete, sacrifice for
sin has been made.
It has been made at great price. paraphrasing v 29. If a person trods underfoot the Son of
God, and counts that holy blood sacrifice atonement as a thing to be despised, He insults God.
He does despite to the Spirit of Grace. The goodness and love of God is
supposed to call us to repent of our sins, and receive by faith the cleansing and forgiveness that the blood atonement gives
The part the devil doesn't want you to hear is that
the one, complete sacrifice for sin has been made. The Redeemer has redeemed
us from the power of sin and the destination of Hell. If we believe, and receive,
we shall receive everlasting life.
The thing we ourselves don't want to hear is, if we
despise this holy act, if we reject the power of it in our lives, we are doing a very dangerous thing.
If a soul looks at this holy thing, the Blood Atonement, and treats it as unimportant, trivial, or worthless, it is
a sin beyond all other sin. You were born with Adam's nature in you. You normally sin because you can't help it and don't even understand exactly what
sin is or why. But if you look at the Blood Atonement of Christ, and declare,
who cares? I'd rather keep my sin, you are insulting the Holy Spirit. It is a different kind of sin. You look at the
love, compassion and mercy, that the Lord poured out in this redeeming death, and decide
you don't want it. You give Almighty God a "kick in the gut", and tell
Him, "Stay out of my life, I'll keep my sin".
So, on judgement day, God, in His fiery indignation
will tell you, "OK. Keep your sins. But
you can't come to live in My House forever."
This is an astounding message. It is a supernatural message from a supernatural God. The
only place you will find this message is in the pages of the Holy Bible. And
the devil and godless men hate this message.
That is why, around the world, the Bible is hated. Here in the United States, their are efforts to censor and ban it.
But no matter how the opposition rages, this message, and the believing of it, forever has the power to set men free.