In late
August, 1956, I found myself in a dark and lonely place in my mind. I was young, and lonely, feeling the world was to big and lonely for me. I knew about Jesus, and I knew
about Heaven, and not to much about Hell.
It didn't all come together in my mind as to what it all meant.
In my hurt and confusion, the devil whispered in my mind that the only way out
was to die. I found myself looking
out a fourth floor window into the dark night during a thunderstorm.
As I prepared to
open the window and let myself drop over the edge, I heard an audible
whisper next to my right ear. It said, quite clearly,
"You are jumping into Hell!" I was startled. The voice was
plain and clear. I backed up
for a moment, but went again to
the window. Again I heard the
whisper, loud and clear, in my
right ear. "You are jumping into
Hell! This time I became so
frightened that I ran away from the window.
My mind cast
about for a remedy. My soul was wailing, and
I needed to give expression to that wail.
So I grabbed a
stubby pencil, and a paper note pad, and started to write. I
still remember the words to that poem:
Blame not yourselves, my dear
beloved ones,
For now it's much to late
To wrangle with your hearts
And try to turn around my fate.
The world is a much to lonely
For such a one as I--
It holds to many heartaches
And I haven't tears enough to
So I laugh and play the clown,
And try to hide my fears
But there is no more to jest
Only choking, broken tears--
For my soul is all alone,
And as I hear the raging sky,
My heart cries out to heaven,
Oh, God, please let me die!
Come unto
Me, Jesus said in His Word. And I will give you
rest. I had no peace of mind. I had no peace of soul. I had
no Rest. Day by day, I would
hear the question repeating
itself in the back of my mind.
Then, one
day, I got invited to a church. It was a
church full of people praising Jesus because they had found Him
to be the Rest of their souls.
The pastor
saw me sit down in the pew, and shouted at me,
"young lady, God wants to save your soul right now!" I burst
into tears, and the whole church started praying for me. The
pastor came down to the pew and put his hand on on my back and
shouted at the devil that was binding my mind and told it to
leave. I felt an explosion in
my mind, like I was suddenly
free to make a choice for what was good and right and
Through my tears, I prayed, Lord, I know I've hardened my
heart against You. Will You soften
my heart so I can let You
in? And when you have, put a
smile on my face."
My sobs and
tears instantly stopped, and I broke into a
pure, joyful laughter, as the strange and marvelous sensation
of the presence of God's light entered my soul so strongly it
poured over my body as well.
I had been
lost and all alone, as though lost in a dark
night at the end of a blind alley at midnight.
The Lord Jesus
exploded in my soul like Fourth of July fireworks.
The Lord took
my soul from dark night to glorious light.
He had promised
"I will give you Rest."
Suddenly that
Rest was exploding in my soul and bathing my
physical body with a glorious peace.
While I had
been sobbing, my sins had flashed through my
mind like a rapid-fire motion picture.
The weight of how awful
sin really was brought more tears.
"All your
life", I heard my conscience say, "you have
chosen that which was "easy" over that which is "right"." My
biggest sin had been selfishness, and an attitude towards God
that told Him, "butt out of my life, I'll live it myself!"
But in that
glorious moment when I let go of my
stubbornness and self will, and called on Jesus, Jesus
He washed
away my sin, my rebellion, my dark lonliness.
He gave me
I have lived
many years since then. I have known the joys
and sorrows of this life. I have
known the struggles of this
But all through
the years, I have lived my life in this
world with the abiding, beautiful strength of soul that comes
by abiding moment to moment in His Rest.
He gave me
If you will
turn from your sins, and repent of your
stubbornness and give your soul to Jesus, He will also give you