Did you ever hear of
the Waldensians? Probably not. They
originally known as the Valdese--the dwellers in the valley.
They were also called the Cathars--which meant holy ones. The
word Valdese changed through the centuries, and was pronounced
Waldenses, and Waldensians. They
lived in the Piedmont
mountain valleys of northern Italy
and Southern France. They
were simple people. They were
hardworking, faithful people.
There was a Christian leader named Peter Waldo, who ministered
to the Waldensians in the 1100's. Because
of the similarity of
name, he was thought by some to be the founder ofa the
Waldensians. But the Waldensians
existed many centuries
before Peter Waldo joined them. They
were the very first true
Christian denomination, and trace their beginning to the
very first century, to the very first generation of Christians.
"THE LIGHT SHINES IN DARKNESS" was the motto of tahe
Waldensians---they lived up to that motto through all the dark
days----YEARS---GENERATIONS!!!---of persecution!!!
From the very first century, the Valdese, the "dwellers in the
valley" heard the truth of the Gospel.
They had the entire New
Testment. All of the Books that
have always been the
recognized canon of the Christian Church.
They lived by its
The Waldensian ministers were called "barbas".
The word meant
something like "uncle". These
Barbas, and other Waldensian
missionaries, spread the light of the Gospel throughout their
portion of Europe in those early centuries. They did not build
fancy buildings. They did not
own lots of land, or have
political power. All they had
was the simple word of the
Gospel. Jesus Saves.
From the fifth century, they refused to recognize the church at
Rome as a genuine faithful Christian church.
The bishops and
popes had set themselves up with political power, lived in the
lap of wealth and luxury, and claimed that they were the final
authority on all things Christian, and insisted that all
Christians everywhere were under their jurisdiction. At the
same time, they had taken all the rituals and ceremonies and
liturgies of the ancient pagan Roman religions, called them
Christian liturgy, and insisted that these ceremonies were the
heart and reality of the Christian religion.
They went so far as to deny the work that Jesus had done on the
They denied the saving power of the Word of God. They denied
that Jesus' Blood cleanses us from all sin.
They took the
existing pagan system of confessions, penances, and purgatory,
which the Romans had done in worship of the pagan god called
Mithra,the bull slayer, and called this system the Christian
way. They declared the death
of Jesus on the cross to be not
good enough. They told people
they had to suffer for their own
sinthe Reformer embraced a people who had known and believedd the
true gospel from the very beginning.
You have been told that the Roman Church was the first and only
Christian church.
That is not true. The Waldensians
heard the pure gospel in the
first century.
They had the Bible from the first century and fefused to depart
from its holy teachings of Christ's Redemption.
The Roman Church was begun by Emperor Constantine in 312 AD.
He set it up along the existing politcal scructure. The office
of Pontifex Maximus, "hight pries", had always been held by the
leader of the religion of Mithra. Constantine filled athe now
vacant office with a bishop who didn't mind living in luxury
and power next to the emperor. that's
where the papacy came
from. Jesus Christ had nothing
to do with it.
In the following years, the Roman church compromised more and
more, until it no longer believed in the Redeeming power of the
death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus
was the resurrected
Son of God, but according to
the Roman church hierarchy, you
had to go to someone else to get your sins forgiven.
The Waldensians refused to obey any one but Christ. They
recognized no authority but the Bible.
They went to Jesus
Christ Himself for the forgiveness of their sins.
The hierarchy at Rome
could not tolerate defiance against its
pretended authority. Atheir hatred
and jealousy against the
Waldensians led to the wars and persecutions against the
Waldensians that lasted over a thousand years.
This article is indebted to the work of "THE YOUNG REFORMER"
Edited by Dr. Stephen J.
Scott-Person, Alliance
Publications, 77 Ampthill Road,
filtwick, Bedford,
MK45IBD s after death, in this pagan, non-existant place called
Yet they still claimed that they had absolute power over
everything that called itself Christian.
Revelation 2:6--Jesus said---But this you have---you hate the
deeds of the Nicolaitans----which I also hate.
Nicolaitans is a compound word that means "conquerors of the
laity"---"overcomers of the people"---the POWERGRABBERS!
How were these bishops and popes "powergrabbers"?
They declared that "You can't come to Christ without us and our
ceremonies! You must belong to
us and be subject to us!"
But the Waldensians had the Bible. The
Word of God. They had
it in their own language from the very first century, when the
Holy Spirit gave it to the apostles who wrote it down. They
studied it and lived by it.
Every generation of the Waldensians was faithful to what their
parents had read to them from the Word of God.
They hated the deeds of the Powergrabbers, which Jesus had
declared in the Book of Revelation that He also hated.
Is it really possible for Jesus to look at something going on
in His church, among the people He died for, and declare that
He hates it?
Yes it is. Read Revelation, chapters
In the year 1229 A.D., the Roman church had become apostate.
An apostate is someone who used to be a Christian but is not,
any more. The hierarchy had forsaken
its faith, but did not
want to fosake its political power.
They held a meeting called athe Council of Valencia. They
declared that the Bible was a forbideen book.
No one but
members of the clergy could own or read or translate the Bible!
The 119th Psalm declares that the entrance of God's Word brings
Light. These apostate church
leaders were not interested in
God's Light.
They declared that they themselves were in charge, and that no
one but they themselves were allowed to read the Bible.
But the Waldensians had the entire New Testament in their own
language from the first century. The
entrance of God's Word
gave light to their souls.
Psalm 119:11. Thy word have I
hid in my heart, that I might
not sin against Thee."
The missionary Barbas, (the word used for the Waldensian
ministers), ran great risks as they traveled the continent of
Europe as peddlers. As they traveled from place to place,
they preached Jesus to anyone who would listen . When they
were caught, and found to have a portion of the Holy Bible in
their possession, they were sent to prison or death.
So they took to memorizing large portions of the Bible, so they
would not need the 'incriminating" paper.
They travelled as
peddlars, and they preached the word of God and the salvation
fo Jesus Christ wherever they went.
Even the ordinary men, women, and children of the Waldensians,
who never left home to go on these missionary journeys, were in
constant danger. The official
church in Rome could not
tolerate any rebellion against its own claim of absolute
authority over everything that called itself Christian.
Many times over the years, great armies would overrun the
valleys of Piedmont, in the attempt to destroy
the Waldensians
and their faith in the Bible as the only authority regarding
the teachings of Jesus.
The efforts of the succeeding popes to destroy the Protestant
faith of the Waldensians in the Piedmont valleys were highly
organized military campaigns.
One of these camaigns took place in 1486.
Pope Innocent V111
called upon Charles 1, the Duke of Savoy, to assemble an army
to destroy the "heretics" who dared to believe that Christ was
the Head of His own Church, and there was no other.
Other foundation can no man lay, but Jesus Christ, the chief
Who is a rock save our God?
An army of over 18,000 men, looking forward to victory and
plunder, marched into the valleys to wage war against the
saints of God.
The large and fierce army marched into the valleys. The
general in charge decided to split his force and storm all of
the mountain villages at the same time.
It was the battle of
David and Goliath.
Goliath was Rome,
armed with swords and spears, versus David,
the poor humble Waldensians who fought with bows and arrows.
Isaiah 54:17 The Lord told His
The invasion broke up in disarray. One
of the leaders of the
soldiers of the invading army was called "Nero of Mondovi".
He and his men managed to get to the top of a ridge. When the
Waldensians assembled there saw him, they fell on their knees
in prayer.
Nero of Mondovi mocked then. He
thought they were already
conquered. He lifted the visor
on his helmet, in order to
laugh at them with greater ease, and shouted
"you shall be
saved with a vengeance.!"
At that moment a Waldensian arrow, fired by an anonymous
"David, pierced his forehead, killing this "Goliath."
His army fled in disorganized retreat, getting lost in the
unfamiliar terrain, and falling to their deaths over the
slippery mountain slopes.
Charles 1, Duke of Savoy, withdrew his support from the
expedition. The pope's representative,
called the Papal
Legate, was sent away having been told the mission was
Then a representative of the House of Savoy met with the
Waldensian Barbas, to assure them that the war against them was
over. During this meeting, he
met some Waldensian children.
He exclaimed in surprise, "Is it possible that these are the
children of heretics?" His surprise
was due to the fact that
he had been told that the Waldensian "heretics" were monsters
born with black throats and a horn in their forehead. It was
attitudes like that, that earned that time of history the mame
"Dark Ages."
When there was not an actual war being waged against them, the
Waldensians were still under threat of the Inquisition. To
explain it in modern terms, the Holy Office of the Inquisition
was the Religious Police. These
church officers invaded every
family, every home, to make sure that the religious laws were
being obeyed. Waldensian parents taught their children the
Bible. The religious police would
arrest the parents, and take
the children away from them amd put them in monasteries and
nunneries, where they would be taught the ancient pagan
ceremonies that were now called
Christian liturgy, and would
be denied the Light of God's Word.
The history of the Waldensians is a history of non-stop
persecution, non-stop arrest, torture, imprisonment, beatings,
hangings, and burnings. It began
in the fifth century, and
continued through all generations to the 1700's. But each
generation of Waldensians held faithful to the teachings of the
New Testament. Jesus Christ is
the Head of His church. There
is no human being that can claim to be the head of Christ's
church. Sins are washed from
our souls by the power of the
blood shed by Jesus on the cross. The
Word of God, given by
the Spirit of God, is the authority in all things. Jesus
forgives our sins when we repent of them and ask Him to forgive
us. The true Christian must be
obedient to Christ alone, not
the pope.
In the 16th century, great event shook the entire continent of
Europe. The Reformation.
The true, Bible believing Christians, had always existed, from
the very first century. The largest
enduring group, over the
centuries, was the Waldensians.
But the Reformation started something new.
the German nobles
tok the side of Martin Luther against the pope, and it began a
political revolution as will as a religious one.
Starting with Germany,
and moving to England and the
Netherlands, this new idea took hold. People
began to think,
"We should be free people, free to serve Jesus Christ in
obedience to the true Gospel."
Almost all of the Reformers had been members of the Roman
clergy. They began to read the
Bible, and learn what the
gospel message really is, and rebel against the religious
tyranny that had ruled the world for so many centuries. The
political setup of the world was shaken.
The entire history of
the world was shaken. clergy. They
began to read the Bible, and learn what the
gospel message really is, and rebel against the religious
tyranny that had ruled the world for so many centuries. The
political setup of the world was shaken.
The entire history of
the world was shaken.
News of these event reached to remote Waldensian homes in the
Piedmont mountains. The brbas
sent Barba Martin of the town of
Lucerna to investigate. He
returned form his journey with agood
report. The gospel was being preached in Germany, in
Switzerland, and France. the Same Gospel the Waldensians had
believed and held true to since the first century.
A city in Switzerland,
named Geneva, seemed to be the center of
activity for this movement, and two Barbas were sent to Geneva
to mee and treet the Reformers there.
The meeting was looked upon as a miracle by both sides. to
The Reformers, here was a church that had been preserved in the
pure gospel from the first Christian century.
The Waldensians
met Christians who were just now
coming out of centuries of
religious darkness, and were re-discovering the Bible that had
been their own strength and constant Light for centuries.
The Waldensians and the Reformers greeted each other with great
These two Barbas were arrested on their way home. One of them
was burned alive in the town of Dijon. The everyday punishment
in those days. The judgment of
the Roman church upon all who
refused to recognize or obey the pope.
In 1532, September 12, two years later, there was a historic
meeting in the small town of Chanforan in the Angrogna Valley.
This came to be known as the Synod of Chanforan.
The Waldensians embraced the brothers and sisters in Christ who
were just coming out of the religious darkness that had ruled
for centuries.
The Reformers embraced a people
who had known and believedd the
true gospel from the very beginning.
You have been told that the Roman Church was the first and only
Christian church.
That is not true. The Waldensians
heard the pure gospel in the
first century.
They had the Bible from the first century and fefused to depart
from its holy teachings of Christ's Redemption.
The Roman Church was begun by Emperor Constantine in 312 AD.
He set it up along the existing political structure. The office
of Pontifex Maximus, "high priest", had always been held by the
leader of the religion of Mithra. Constantine filled the now
vacant office with a bishop who didn't mind living in luxury
and power next to the emperor. that's
where the papacy came
from. Jesus Christ had nothing
to do with it.
In the following years, the Roman church compromised more and
more, until it no longer believed in the Redeeming power of the
death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus
was the resurrected
Son of God, but according to
the Roman church hierarchy, you
had to go to someone else to get your sins forgiven.
The Waldensians refused to obey any one but Christ. They
recognized no authority but the Bible.
They went to the Reformer embraced a people who had known and believed the
true gospel from the very beginning.
You have been told that the Roman Church was the first and only
Christian church.
That is not true. The Waldensians
heard the pure gospel in the
first century.
They had the Bible from the first century and fefused to depart
from its holy teachings of Christ's Redemption.
The Roman Church was begun by Emperor Constantine in 312 AD.
He set it up along the existing politcal scructure. The office
of Pontifex Maximus, "hight pries", had always been held by the
leader of the religion of Mithra. Constantine filled athe now
vacant office with a bishop who didn't mind living in luxury
and power next to the emperor. that's
where the papacy came
from. Jesus Christ had nothing
to do with it.
In the following years, the Roman church compromised more and
more, until it no longer believed in the Redeeming power of the
death and resurrection of Christ. Jesus
was the resurrected
Son of God, but according to the Roman church hierarchy, you
had to go to someone else to get your sins forgiven.
The Waldensians refused to obey any one but Christ. They
recognized no authority but the Bible.
They went to Jesus
Christ Himself for the forgiveness of their sins.
The hierarchy at Rome
could not tolerate defiance against its
pretended authority. Their hatred
and jealousy against the
Waldensians led to the wars and persecutions against the
Waldensians that lasted over a thousand years.
This article is indebted to the work of "THE YOUNG REFORMER"
Edited by Dr. Stephen J.
Scott-Person, Alliance
Publications, 77 Ampthill Road,
Filtwick, Bedford, MK45IBD