nightshift notes

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how many times does Jesus have to die?
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Jesus died once, for all--He paid the full price for sin--you don't owe God a co-payment



What a question!  But there are some people who think that Jesus' death and resurrection wasn't good enough!


     When Jesus was on the cross, just before He died, He said,

"IT IS FINISHED!"   What did He mean?


     He meant that His death paid the 100% penalty for our sins.  For your sins. 


     You do not have to punish yourself for your sins.  After you die, you do not have to suffer in a temporary "Hell" called purgatory.  There is no such place, there never has been such a place and there never will be such a place.


     There is no such thing as an imperfect cleansing from sin.


     There is no such thing as an incomplete forgiveness for sin.


     You are forgiven and cleansed of all your sins, or you are forgiven and cleansed of none of them.


     The Bible says Jesus was the Lamb of God that takes away the sins of the world.


     How did He do that?  He took our punishment.


     The wages of sin is death. 


     Jesus did the dying.  He poured out His Life's Blood on the Cross of Calvary.  He took 100% of the punishment for 100% of your sins.


     He does not have to do it again.  He paid the full price. 


     You do not owe God a co-payment.


     All you have to do is repent.  Look yourself in the eye and see that you have sinned, and come short of the glory of God and His perfection.  Tell Jesus directly, your heart to His heart, that you are sorry for your sins, and would like to be forgiven and cleansed, and walk in the newness of life that He promised.


     You cannot come to Jesus by joining a church.  You come to Jesus by recieving Him directly into your heart by repentance and faith.


     Jesus said,  "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."


     He did not say come to a church institution and I will give you liturgy and memorized prayers and rules to follow and maybe I'll forgive a few of your sins if you always obey the priest.


     All you have to do is repent.  Look yourself in the eye and see that you have sinned, and come short of the glory of God and his perfection.  Tell Jesus directly, your heart to His heart, that you are sorry for your sins and would like to be forgiven and cleansed.


     It is as simple as that.  It is as difficult as that.  The hard part is you, in your own soul, don't want to give up your right to be your own boss.  You want to be in charge of your life and have your own way, even if it means hanging on to  your sins and sinking into Hell with them when you leave your body when you die.


     He took your sins in His own Body on the Cross and died your death.  He asks that you receive His life.


     He says that if you don't have His Life in you, you do not have eternal life at all.


     No church liturgy can make the contract of the heart, between your soul and Jesus Himself.


     No priest can go to Jesus for you.  You have to go yourself.


     It is you and you alone who must call upon Jesus to forgive your sins and give you newness of life.


     Do it now.  Now is the accepted time.   Today is the day of salvation.


     Jesus said, "he that comes to Me, I will in no wise cast out".


     Let Him give you His Rest and everlasting Life.


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