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the two faces of mary
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the two faces of mary
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I am the Lord your God--
You shall have no other
gods before Me---
You shall not make unto thee any graven image---

The Biblical accounts of Mary are so totally contrary to the Mary of popular understanding, that it causes shock to the reader.   The Mary of the monuments, the mystical appearances,

 the shrines, the Mary prayed to as intercessor and co-redeemer, is not found in the Bible. 


Jeremiah 44, beginning verse 15.  All the men, which knew that their wives had burned incense to other gods, answered Jeremiah, saying, as for the word that you have spoken to us in the name of the Lord, we will not listen to you.   We will

certainly continue to burn incense to the queen of heaven.



Jeremiah had rebuked these men for letting their wives forsake the God of Abraham, and worship a goddess called the queen of heaven.  These men told Jeremiah to shut up.  They weren't

 going to listen to him.  Even though they knew he spoke the word of the Lord.  This was not an unusual thing.  Any study of ancient pagan gods is going to turn up some astounding history.


In all the accounts of pagan religions, there are more female dieties than there are male.   And they all outrank the male dieties they are associated with.   All of these goddesses of

 pagan legend were both virgins and mothers, and considered to be the actual creators of all things.  It started with the ancient Caldeans, who worshipped a goddess named Semiramis.


the Greeks worshipped a goddess named Aphrodite, who was called, older than time, virgin, mother, crone, lady of all peoples, Venus, queen of the sea.  She rivaled one of the other


Greek goddesses, Athene, who was the mother goddess of the city of Athens, and a warrior.


The Greeks had another goddess, named Sophia, whose name means


lady wisdom.   She was worshipped by alchemists and philosophers, and was called the creatress.


 Her Roman counterpart was Minerva, goddess of the moon.  


There was a buddist goddess named Padim Lotus, and a hindu goddess named


Devaki.  In 204 BC, a goddess from Phrygia, named Cybele, was brought to Rome.  She was called the mother goddess, and the


Emperors Augustus and Claudius called her the supreme diety of the empire. 


The Egyptian goddess was Isis, the mother of the


god Horub.


All of these ancient goddesses were supposed to be the virgin mother of one or more of the prominent gods.


It was said of Isis, in the beginning, there was Isis, oldest of the old. she


was the goddess from whom all becoming arose. She was called


the star of the sea.


The 19th chapter of acts tells the story of a religious riot.


Paul was preaching in and around the city of Ephesus, and


having some remarkable results. Wherever the gospel is


preached, there is opposition. the opposition in Ephesus was


led by a silversmith named Demetrius.  He called together all


the other silversmiths and workmen of the city, and whipped


them up into a mob.  This stranger, Paul, he complained, is


turning people from the gods we make by hand. 


  He says they are


not real gods at all.   Not only is he attacking our




 but  he is causing the great temple of the goddess Diana


to be despised, and her magnificence to be made nothing. The


whole city was filled with confusion and anger. the people


seized Paul and his traveling companions and pulled them


through the streets until everyone wound up in the


amphitheater. All afternoon the crowd kept screaming and


shouting, great is Diana of the Ephesians, great is Diana of


the Ephesians. It took several hours for the town clerk to


restore order.



Just over 300 years later, a church council was held in this


very city.    Why this city was chosen, it is hard to tell.    




this was the church council that made the official declaration


that Mary could bear the title theotokas, --god bearer, and


that she could be prayed to.     Maybe the church leaders were


trying to end the worship of Diana by giving the people a


female Christian replacement.    There was even a re-dedication




the temple of Diana, dedicating it to Mary   . But instead of


replacing Diana with the Christian virtues of Mary, in the


minds of the people, Mary became the inheritor of the divine


attributes of Diana. The legend grew and grew. Mary was now


believed to be divine.


Mary was eventually given all the titles that had once belonged


to Diana, Isis, Semiramis, Athena, and the others. Now it was


believed that Mary was born sinless, an equal to Christ.    




only equal to Christ, but lifted up above Christ, to the point,


where in the minds of many, Christ   has  become  Mary’s






The account of Mary in the Bible gives us a picture of a very


different woman.     We first meet Mary in Luke 1.      The


angel gives


Mary a friendly and   honorable greeting. Hail, you that


are highly favored, the Lord is with you.   Blessed are you




women.    Mary is a little startled by the greeting, as the




continues.     Don’t be afraid,    Mary, you have found favor




God.     You shall conceive in your womb, and bring forth a




and shall call his name Jesus.    He shall be great.   The son




the highest.     The Lord shall give to Him the throne of his


father David.    He shall reign over the house of Jacob




and of his kingdom, there shall be no end.    Mary’s immediate


response is, how shall this be, I know not a man. The angel's


answer has a peculiar expression in it. The Holy Ghost  shall


come upon you.      The power of the highest shall overshadow 




Therefore that  holy thing which shall be born of you shall be


called the Son of God.


When I first read the term, that holy thing, I thought it was a


little strange. Even disrespectful.   To call Jesus body


a thing.     But then I understood.    His body is a thing.   


A holy


thing.    But a thing. Mary was not the mother of the father.


she was not the mother of the Holy Spirit.   She was not even


the mother of the eternal


Word that dwelled in the body of    Jesus.     She was the


mother of


the human body of Jesus only.    Her proper title is mother of




Son of God.    When people use the term God in its Christian


meaning, they mean Father, Son, and Spirit.   The term mother


of god is only one step around the corner from god the mother.


 That breaks the first commandment, and puts another god


before God.   We next find Mary greeting her cousin Elizabeth.  


She is


pregnant with John the Baptist.   Elizabeth shouts happily,  




is this to me, that the mother of my Lord should come to me!  




soon  as I heard your voice, the baby leaped in my womb for





 Then Mary, by the power of the Holy Spirit, prophesies her


famous magnificat.    It begins with the exclamation,  “ my


soul does


magnify the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.


Right here, we see the Biblical face of Mary, that is different


from the legendary face of Mary.     Only sinners feel the need




a Saviour.      Only sinners know the joy of sins forgiven.   




sinners can rejoice in God, their Saviour.


The Bible face of Mary is that of a normal, human, sinning


member of the human race.    Luke 2 tells the Christmas story.


Mary and Joseph take refuge in the barn. There, in the manger,


she places her prototokon.    Prototokon.    Firstborn.    


Websters new


College Dictionary defines the word firstborn as first in order


of birth. the eldest. Luke  2;19.      Mary kept all these


things and


pondered them in her heart.  At the wedding at Cana, she told


the wedding governor, whatever he tells you to do, do it.     It


was her joy to be the mother of   the Redeemer.     Yet for


hundreds of years, people have crowded the Redeemer   out of


their hearts, and worshipped her,  instead.


 The Bible's portrait of Mary is a picture that is totally


opposite the face that everyone is used to.


Matthew 12:46-50.     While he yet talked to the people, behold




mother and his brethren stood outside, desiring to speak with


him.   Then one said to him, your mother and your brethren




outside,  desiring to speak with you. 


this story is repeated in Mark 3;31-45. John 2;12 says, after


this, he went down to Capernaum, he and his mother and his


brethren. John 7:3 and 5.    His brethren said to him, leave




and go to Judea.      For neither did his brethren believe in




1 Corinthians 9:5.     Paul says, haven't I got the right to




about  a wife, as well as the other apostles, and the brother




the Lord?    In   Galatians 1:19,    Paul refers to his


travels, and he


says that while he was in jerusalem, visiting Peter, other of


the disciples I saw none, save James, the Lord's


brother. Matthew 13:54-55. the people are marvelling at Jesus'


claims, and they say, is not this the carpenter's son? is not


his mother called Mary?       And his brethren, James, and


Joses, and Simon, and Judas?    And  His sisters?    Are  they


not   all


with us?     Where did this man get all these things?


I have heard callers to religious radio programs ask about these references                                                                                                                                



They are ignored as irrelevant.


The New Testament was written in Greek----


   by the eyewitnesses to the events, who knew each other very


closely. in every single verse I have just read, the author


uses the term, adelphos, which means brother, and adelphi,


which means sister. either a full brother, sharing both


parents, or a half brother sharing one parent. but brother. if


the writer had intended to refer to cousins or other close


relatives, he would have used the word exadelphos.


The legendary face of Mary is an inheritor of every title and


attribute of every pagan goddess in the history of religion.


Divinely preserved virginity.    A divinity to be worshipped.




intercessor.     A redeemer.


  if the Romans   had put a fourth cross on Calvary that day,




crucified mary next to Jesus, and she had bled to death


alongside her son, all of the blood in her body could not have


bought our redemption from one single sin.


Before God, one sinner is not qualified to redeem another


sinner.    Only the sinless one, Jesus, was qualified to pay




price God's justice required.


The Bible face of Mary is that of a normal human being.     A


normal married wife.      Who lived a normal married life.  


with a


normal husband, and had at least six other normal children. two


of these, james and jude, wrote part of the new testament.


james was the first bishop of Jerusalem.    Mary  was faithful.




it done unto me according to your word.      Mary was obedient.




told the wedding governor,  whatever he tells you to do, do it.


She was a forgiven sinner, rejoicing in God her Saviour.    But


no where is she divine intercessor and redeemer. it is Christ


and Christ alone who is divine. it is Christ and Christ alone


who paid the penalty for our sins and bought our forgiveness in


full. Luke 11;27. while Jesus was teaching a large crowd of


people, a woman in the crowd shouted out loud. she shouted,


blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts which you


have nursed. Jesus answered, blessed are they that hear the


word of God, and do it. 



the goddess, redeemer mary is a legend. legends can be exciting


and beautiful, and romantic. but they are still legends.


Jesus Christ is the truth.


Jesus' two main titles are Son of God and Son of Man.  We all


understand the Son of God.    Begotten by the Holy Ghost,


sinlessly perfect like His Father.  The term Son of Man means


that   He is also one hundred percent human, even though




sin.  he is also one hundred percent one of us.  human. he gets


his sinlessness from his father. he gets his humanness from his


mother. Therefore, it was required that his mother must be


fully human.  



They that worship Christ must worship in spirit and in truth.



Angels are not to be worshipped. 


Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.   it is


idolatry to worship a plaster statue.    It is also idolatry to


worship a shadow on a wall.


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